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Photona: Muse

Photona: Muse is a light show put on solely by the lighting department at UNCSA. This year, with 176 fixtures, it was the largest Photona to be put on which created many challenges. As one of the 2 production electricians on the show, we had to work together to figure out how to get all the fixtures, hung, circuited and addressed within the 16 hour load in period. We were able to pre address all the fixtures before getting to space and putting a label on the fixture so that we know where it goes. additionally, we put labels on the hanging location that matched the label on the fixture so once in space the two labels could just be matched and the fixtures could easily be placed. 

As one of the Production Electricians, I was tasked with being in charge of the Claypaky MiniXtylos that we used. As a laser based fixture, a variance from the FDA is needed to operate them. I took on the challenge of getting the variance, and being trained on how to set the fixtures BAZ (Beam Allowed Zones), or where the fixtures should turn on or off to protect the audience members. I also had to fill out and sign a checklist each day before the fixtures could be turned on. 

I was also a programmer for one of the design teams during the show. I got to use ETC Apex 5, Gio @5, and ION consoles throughout the process. With over 100 moving lights, I was challenged to program the 3 minute piece with my designer, Malcolm Foster, in 24 hours of programming time.  

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