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Roe was the first drama show of the 22-23 production season at UNCSA. With load in starting within the first month of school, it created many challenges and learning outcomes. This show had 256 lights in a black box theatre and only 96 dimmers. I had to figure out how to power and control of the fixtures in the way the designer had wanted, in a very tight space. 

Roe also had a few set electrics located inside a table in the center of the set. I had no way to bring power and data to the table with wires because of it location, so I had to use batteries and wireless DMX. I used RC4 for the wireless dmx which gave me control of the 3 dmx 12v decoders that were on the back side of the table. I wired up 8 12v batteries to create a battery bank to power to 28 ft of led tape and 5 MR16 up light lamps. each lamp up lit a statue under the table and was individually controlled.  

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